Fireworks Spectacular, Birmingham
Remember, remember … It's not too late to join in the Bonfire night festivities. Here are 10 of the best fireworks displays taking place around the country tonight and this weekend.
- Lord Mayor's Show, London (9 November)
- Midsummer Common, Cambridge (5 November)
- Lovely Midsummer Common in central Cambridge attracts 25,000 people to its annual fireworks display. The pyrotechnics Lewes, East Sussex (5 November)
- Fireworks at the Fort, Segedunum, North Tyneside (5 November)
- Fireworks Spectacular, Leeds Castle, Kent (9-10 November)
- Winter Festival Fireworks Night, Aberdeen (5 November)
- Bonfire and Firework Display, Perth (5 November)
- Glasgow Green (5 November)
- Fireworks Skyshow, Cyfarthfa Park, Merthyr Tydfil (5 November)
- Fireworks Spectacular, Birmingham (5 November)