Maldives ( Kanuhura Resort ) 1. Catch Tokyo’s Tsukiji Fish Market before it’s gutted - It’s the granddaddy of Asian fish markets,...

5 urgent experiences for 2013 (via CNN)

Maldives (Kanuhura Resort)

1. Catch Tokyo’s Tsukiji Fish Market before it’s gutted - It’s the granddaddy of Asian fish markets, but by the end of next year it'll be more like an abandoned warehouse.

2. Fly to the next Rolling Stones concert (if there is one) - Did The Stones perform their final concert on December 15, 2012? Nah. But maybe. But probably not. It's possible, though.

3. Save the Maldives (or at least see them) - Oceans have risen by about eight inches since 1870, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the pace is only picking up say top climate scientists.

4. Sip coffee in a land far away (from baristas in green aprons) - People-watching while sipping a warm beverage at some nameless café with crooked tables and chipped cups run by a cranky guy in a moustache whose family has owned the place for the last 500 years -- so let’s not worry about the crooked table or chipped cup.

5. Glimpse your first wild lemur in Madagascar (and hopefully not your last) - Madagascar is the only place on earth to view a wild lemur. But that may change, for the worse.